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All patterns shown are Included with PanelSlapper
Some examples of the many panels you can create in seconds.
You specify the panel size, hole pattern size, spacing and layout.
PanelSlapper includes a wide variety of scroll and art deco designs.
The panels shown above are an example of how PanelSlapper can automatically design panels of any size. When you are done, click the Export Dxf button and PanelSlapper instantly creates a dxf file for your machine.
Click to watch the PanelSlapper Demo video
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Works great with PlasmaCam software, Design-Edge, Samson, Torchmate CAD, DynaTorch, as well as many other plasma, water-jet and laser cutting tables*.
Installs on PC (Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista)
*PlasmaCAM, Torchmate, PracticalCNC, DynaTorch, Samson, Vicon, Tracker CNC, Mach2 and winCNC are trademarks of their respective companies. We are NOT affilliated with any of these companies.